• Harbor's Embrace   N86
    oil on canvas panel   23 x 19
Leslie Golden

I grew up in a suburb of New York City where I studied art in college for two years. As a restless teenager, I journeyed to the Bay Area and was captivated by the sensuous golden hills and olive green valleys that seemed to roll on forever. I was inspired by this unique beauty and determined to make this my new home.

At the same time, I discovered the study of landscape architecture and was delighted to find a career path that provided the creativity I craved and the professional career I was looking for. My projects and job sites were the largest canvases I could have imaged!

Now as a landscape painter, I enjoy the opportunity to celebrate the unique qualities of each site and to try to capture the movement that brings a landscape to life. I’m on a new journey and I can’t wait to see where it takes me!