• View from Grizzly Peak (Sunset)   N56
    oil on board   12 x 24
Judith Feins

I've always been fascinated by all that I see in the natural world. My passion for studying and portraying that beauty is the force behind my paintings.

I paint to capture qualities of shifting light, long vistas of space evoking possibility and freedom, visual evidence of the movements of wind and water, and the complexities of vision, like rocks submerged in water seen through a surface reflection of the sky.

I paint outdoors as much as possible to capture the fleeting drama of light and color and the personalities of the different geographical areas I visit. I love the cool clarity and luminosity of northern California as well as the transformative fog. When I can't be outside I paint still lifes, enjoying ordinary objects caught by a momentary illumination that causes them to glow into being.

I hope that viewing my paintings will inspire others to find pleasure in the ephemeral colors of their surroundings and influence them to help preserve natural places.
