• Summer Grass   M386
    monotype   20 x 16 
Gina Koenig

I grew up outside Philadelphia, within walking distance of the incredible impressionist collection in the Barnes Foundation Museum. My family and I regularly visited New York City viewing exhibitions at the Guggenheim and in Washington, DC, at the National Gallery of Art. I enjoyed making art in school and took an Art History class at Penn State, while studying Environmental Science.

The first half of my career was focused on Microbiology, performing research experiments in laboratories, growing wide and interesting range of life forms — but art was on the back burner for a long time.

The second half of my life is now focused on sharing my fascination with the biological world through visual art. I started with plein air watercolor paintings to capture the joy I find in nature. As I realized that the process of making art is very similar to performing research, I've enjoyed experimenting with various materials and media to make art. I love the immediacy of collecting plants and creating monotype prints the same day.

My aspiration is to continue to experiment with natural materials to share the wonders nature with my viewers.
