• Fog Bank at Rockaway Beach   N50
    oil on panel   11 x 18
Catherine Fasciato

Biographical Information:
Born in Hong Kong and raised in Hong Kong and Yorkshire, England, Catherine Fasciato was influenced by the aesthetic appeal of Asian art and the love of nature. Ever since childhood, drawing and painting have been a means of communication and escape, for example going for walks in the English countryside with a sketchbook to draw horses grazing in fields and sitting on rocks painting sunsets. She discovered the joys of painting from life, be it the figure, still life, or landscape en plein air and is inspired during long walks in the Mt. Diablo open spaces where she lives.

Catherine prefers to paint with oils, loving their feel and texture. She paints from the model twice a week and paints plein air twice a week at least. She has participated in numerous plein air events, winning some prizes.

Artist’s Statement:
Painting is like music, it should stir the emotions.
